KNAPP delivers first pocket sorter in the pharmaceutical sector
Designed and delivered by KNAPP, the pocket sorter has been integrated with an existing A-frame automatic picking machine to ensure rapid and accurate order processing by a single system for wholesale, click & collect and home delivery orders.
The solution, which came on stream earlier this year, breaks new ground, as pocket sortation technology has been used widely in the fashion and retail industries but never before in the pharmaceutical sector. “We’re proud to have made history,” commented Arûnas Grigaliûnas, Logistics Director at Limedika, “and we are delighted that the system is performing just as promised.”
Growing omnichannel demand
In addition to being a pharmaceutical wholesaler, Limedika operates its own pharmacies and cooperates with other pharmacy chains, giving a 30 per cent market share in Lithuania. This brings great responsibility in terms of providing rapid and reliable supply of over 13,000 different pharmaceutical products to 1500 pharmacies and hospitals.
Although Limedika had already automated its distribution centre (DC) in Kaunas, Lithuania, to a significant degree with systems from KNAPP, market changes were putting pressure on its warehouse operations. The existing DC was designed for pharmaceutical wholesale requirements, but Limedika was experiencing a sharp increase in e-commerce orders and needed to expand its click & collect options for pharmacies. Of course, this meant a different order structure, with online orders generally comprising only a few items.
High-performance pocket sorter
To solve these challenges, KNAPP integrated its AutoPocket sortation solution with the existing Central Belt System (A-frame) at Limedika’s DC. Using intelligent matrix sortation, AutoPocket arranges chaotically ordered pockets into the precise sequence required for dispatch. Whereas traditional pocket sorters bring items to workstations for warehouse staff to pick manually, AutoPocket is able to automatically deposit items anywhere in the warehouse while moving at full speed. Featuring an order consolidation buffer, AutoPocket enables batch picking, which reduces order-processing times and allows e-commerce operations to be managed smoothly and efficiently. In addition to a sorting performance of 2500 items/hour, the pockets are equipped with RFID tags that enable end-to-end tracking of serial and lot numbers, meeting all applicable standards and maximising patient safety.
One system does it all
Along with the AutoPocket system, KNAPP supplied 3 pocket-loading stations, 6 packing stations, 22 manual workstations and 20 check & repack stations. Together with the A-frame autopicker, this solution allows Limedika to handle 3000 orders per day. Most wholesale orders are picked using the A-frame, checked and sent to the packing area, from where they are shipped using a separate delivery fleet.
The A-frame also picks items for e-commerce orders, which are then processed by the pocket sorter. Items for home delivery and click & collect orders – from both the A-frame and manual picking areas – are sent to a loading station, where they are individually inducted into pockets. These are conveyed to the buffer, where they wait until all items for the order are ready. Then they are sent to the packing area, where the items are automatically deposited by order into a chute. From here, home delivery orders are packed and conveyed to the e-commerce shipping area. Click & collect orders, meanwhile, are consolidated according to pharmacy via a second sorting process by the AutoPocket system. Each click & collect order is placed in a plastic bag, which is loaded into a pocket, with the orders then sorted by the destination pharmacy. Once all orders for a pharmacy have been assembled, they are packed into transport containers and shipped from a separate dispatch area.
Powerful software
While Limedika provided the warehouse management system (WMS), the warehouse control system (WCS) is part of the KNAPP solution. The main task of the WCS is optimising the flow of goods for both the automated systems and staff in the manual work areas. KNAPP also supplied its KiSoft SCADA software, which monitors the technical status of the entire system and visualises information on all system components and operations. This ensures a rapid response to any incidents, as they can be pinpointed immediately.
Service support
Limedika benefits from KNAPP’s Service Desk, which offers 24/7 support and automatic escalation management, to ensure system performance. The company also opted for KNAPP to provide Customer Support. This increases the lifespan of the system by ensuring that equipment is checked and consumables replaced in a timely fashion to minimise wear and tear.