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The Pharmacy Show is sponsored by the pharmaceutical and med tech industries via Grants, Sponsorship, and Exhibition packages. Pharmaceutical companies have solely provided sponsorship through the purchase of exhibition space and/or sponsored speaker sessions with no further input into the arrangements or agenda of the meeting. Sessions delivered with input from our sponsors will always be marked on the programme. A full list of confirmed sponsors for PS24 is available here.



12-13 OCTOBER 2025

28 Sep 2018

Positive Solutions is no ordinary PMR vendor

Positive Solutions works with each customer to prove the feasibility of its technology platform. The ultimate goal is to enable pharmacy to achieve end-to-end healthcare solutions aligned to individual business requirements.

In preparing systems proposals, we take the time to understand the specific processes required to meet the pharmacy objectives and confirm our solutions will align with the intended outcomes.

With 20 years unrivalled experience of healthcare technology development, we are proud of our excellent reputation for change management and the streamlining of transition. We truly believe our systems are the best of breed and deliver innovation to our customers. We work with all types of pharmacy, whether large multiples, independent groups or single pharmacy contractors to enable the best operational functionality at all times.

Prescription volume is increasing year on year so business evolution and the integration of greater automation in the dispensing process will become inevitable. Whether managing MDS trays or repeat prescription dispensing packs, automation offers complete control over the process, ensuring compliance and peace of mind. In addition, the potential to generate increased output and deliver greater efficiency.

With the arrival onto the market of smaller and more efficient machines, robot use in all sectors of pharmacy is likely to increase. Automation has been shown to reduce the incidence of dispensing errors, improve speed and efficiency of the dispensing process and optimise the use of pharmacy space.

Our solutions are developed by expert teams who support each customer in achieving maximum operating efficiency. We have created an open platform with integration across a wide range of IT infrastructures including third party systems to allow greater pharmacy autonomy and enable clear return on investment.

Positive Solutions has the capability to support hub and spoke distribution and enable pharmacy groups to explore new operating models. Our Analyst Automation interface manages both centralised automation and individual robot capabilities. By ensuring the seamless connection between Analyst PMR or Analyst Central Fill and a range of leading pharmacy robots, we streamline the dispensing process and support pharmacies in embracing the technology of the future with minimal upheaval.

From daily dispensing processes to pharmacy automation, the improved management of ordering, and OTC activity, Positive Solutions ensures pharmacy has the right technology, infrastructure, training and support. In addition to the delivery of reliable and
effective IT solutions for pharmacies across the UK, we are proud to work with a range of approved partners who all share the same commitment to help in driving-up pharmacy revenue, encouraging improved profit and supporting service delivery.

The pharmacy environment incorporates a number of key business assets and the UK Pharmacy Show is a great opportunity for us to showcase the quality and scope of our wide range of end-to-end pharmacy solutions. Whether a pharmacy is looking for IT
infrastructure installation and hardware support, a business process review, commercial or clinical data analysis, shop fitting or merchandising services, Positive Solutions will propose a solution specifically designed with pharmacy goals in mind.

“Positive Solutions is renowned for the quality, stability and accuracy we provide with our wide range of endto- end solutions for Pharmacy. It makes perfect sense for us to provide the right suite of tools to support the emerging needs of pharmacy to help drive revenue, profitability and efficiencies across the pharmacy sector”, concludes Stephen McGee.

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