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The Pharmacy Show is sponsored by the pharmaceutical and med tech industries via Grants, Sponsorship, and Exhibition packages. Pharmaceutical companies have solely provided sponsorship through the purchase of exhibition space and/or sponsored speaker sessions with no further input into the arrangements or agenda of the meeting. Sessions delivered with input from our sponsors will always be marked on the programme. A full list of confirmed sponsors for PS24 is available here.



12-13 OCTOBER 2025

09 Aug 2024


Deborah Hunt & Johanna PARVEDY
Discover Théa's new product in 2024! Let’s connect products to consumer needs and drive your pharmacy success together. With Théa, you can grow your eye care category sales and profitability !
  • Eye care, hay fever & skin care are the fastest growing OTC market sectors1
  • One in three people entering your pharmacy will have dry eye 2
  • 36% are unaware of the symptoms of Dry Eye Disease whilst almost a third (32%) of sufferers just wait to see if the symptoms go away by themselves3.
  • Only 12% understand the importance of using a preservative-free product for treating the condition3


At Théa, we strive to provide you with exceptional eye care products and services, tailored to your unique needs. Pharmacies are a strong arm of our business and essential contributors to the eye health of our local communities as did you know - 77% of dry eye drops are purchased from pharmacies4.


Created by pharmacist for pharmacists, Théa have been pioneers in ophthalmology for over 150 years. As part of Europe’s leading independent ophthalmic pharmaceutical company, Laboratoires Théa, we offer an extensive portfolio of pharmaceutical-grade, innovative products dedicated exclusively to eye health. We are the UK market leader in lid-care products and focus on developing safe and effective products with clinical evidence, that are gentle and easy to use. Our range includes:


WARM & CLEANSE –The No.1 Daily Eyelid Cleansing Range(5)

  • Blepha Eyebag® The reusable warming eye mask made of natural materials and developed by an ophthalmologist. Provides comfort and relief from the first use for sufferers of dry eyes, blepharitis, stye and chalazion.
  • Blephaclean® - The UK’s No.1 eyelid cleansing wipes(3). Preservative-free and so gentle on the eye it can be used on babies from age 3 months. Helps treat eyelid inflammation, such as blepharitis, Meibomian Gland Dysfunction, stye, chalazion or dry eye. 
  • Blephasol® - The everyday eye care gentle micellar lotion. Removes make-up oily debris and crusted matter from the eyelids and lashes
  • Blephagel® - The sensitive skin gel eyelid cleanser. Cools, cleanses and soothes inflamed eyelids.


HYDRATE – Eye care that keeps your customers coming back

Our dry eye portfolio is designed to provide an evidence-based & cost-efficient preservative-free solution for all dry eye symptoms. Our range includes:

  • Thealoz® Duo – Innovative combination of ingredients that protects, hydrates and lubricates dry, gritty and tired eyes. Provides symptoms relief that lasts up to 4 hours after application with just one drop6
  • Thealoz® Duo Gel - Provides all the benefits of Thealoz® Duo ideal for overnight use. Its added carbomer gives longer lasting relief and helps to reduce your drop usage during the day7
  • Hyabak® - Hydrates & provides extra comfort for contact-lens wearers, screen users & gamers. Relieves contact lens discomfort & stinging.
  • Zaspray® - Soothes & hydrates itchy, irritated dry eyes related to allergy. Ready & easy to-use, ideal for people struggling with eye drops or people with anti-allergic medication.
  • Thealipid® - Helps sufferers of watery, streaming and burning sensation in the eyes. Restores the lipid layer and controls tear evaporation.


In 2024, Théa is excited to announce a new product to grow your eye care category and support additional customers. Meet us to discover our OTC eye care range of high-quality and professionally recommended products.


We value your professional expertise and insights. Théa, trusted by eye care experts, supports growing your OTC eye care business and improving patient satisfaction.


Engage with us to assess your business needs and discover our tailored support to drive your pharmacy sales and profitability through our marketing campaigns, merchandising, and educational initiatives.


Visit us on our stand E32 to find out the details of offers & support, our current range, and new products, visit us at



  1. NielsenQ data. Total Market MAT, PAGB Highlights reports 2019 to 2023.
  2. Vidal-Rohr M, et al.Cont Lens Anterior Eye. 2023 Jun;46(3):101837.
  3. Thea Pharmaceuticals 2021. NoEyeDea survey [data set]. YouGov. Data on file
  4. Stethos International – Market Study of 600 consumers suffering from dry eye in UK, Italy and Germany. April 2020. Slides 12,13
  5. Nielson Market Data Value MAT w/e 11th March 2023.
  6. Schmidl D, Schmetterer L, Wltkowska KJ, et al. Cornea (2015): 34(4):421–6.
  7. Fondi K, et al. J Ophthalmol. (2018): 46.



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