The Trouble with Skin
Eczema, also known as atopic dermatitis, is a common skin condition characterised by inflamation, redness and itching. Though not contagious it is a chronic condition that can affect people of all ages and is often seen in infants and children. As explained by charity allergy UK (, eczema often results from a combination of genetic and environmental factors. People with a family history of allergic conditions, such as asthma or hay fever, may be more prone to developing 'Atopic' eczema.
Psoriasis, as explained by the Psoriasis Association ( psoriasis is an immune condition, which causes symptoms on the skin and sometimes the joints. When a person has psoriasis, their skin replacement process speeds up, taking just a few days to replace skin cells that usually take 21-28 days. This accumulation of skin cells builds up to form raised 'plaques' on the skin, which can also be flaky, scaly, red on caucasian skin, darker patches on darker skin tones, and itchy.
Goat To it..
Goats milk has the same PH as human skin, so when you cleanse or mouturise with a Goats milk product you do not disturb the acid mantle, or the skins natural microbiome. Goats milk contains many beneficial nutrients inlcuding Vitamin A and Lactic acid which helps to break down dead skin cells, and when blended with natural oils it helps to moisturise and rejuvinate the skin.
This makes Goats milk products a great option for people with sensitive skin issues, like eczema or psoriasis.
Goats milk skincare products from Goats of the Gorge ( are cruelty free, palm oil free and water free.