Andrea Vojcikova
Corporate Medical Manager,
Imunoglukan Ltd.
Andrea Vojcikova is the Corporate Medical Manager for Imunoglukan Ltd., an innovative biotec company dedicated to the
development, production and promotion of the highest quality natural preparates. She earned her MPharm from the
Faculty of Pharmacy at the Comenius University in Bratislava, Slovakia. Andrea joined Lloydspharmacy as a relief pharmacist
immediately after completing her master degree. Soon she took on increasing roles of responsibility as a Staff Pharmacist
and Pharmacy Manager, before joining Imunoglukan Ltd. in 2014 and is currently in her role as Corporate Medical Manager.
She is responsible for scientific development, research, comprehensive management of clinical trials, scientific marketing
and education of healthcare professionals.
13-Oct-2024Public Health & Wellbeing ForumNew approach to prevention of respiratory tract infections