Wasim Baqir
Senior Pharmacist, Pharmacy Integration Fund,
NHS England
Dr Wasim Baqir is a senior pharmacist in the Pharmacy Integration Programme at NHS England. Prior to this he led the national medicines optimisation in care homes scheme for NHS England. He currently co-leading the Community Pharmacy Independant Pathfinder Programme as well as working across a number of areas (primary care networks, health inequalities, pharmacy workforce) supporting pharmacy integration across Integrated Care Systems. He has a clinical role as lead pharmacist at Northumbria Healthcare NHS Trust where he previously led on care homes (www.health.org.uk/shine). He has a passion for quality improvement science and is a member the Health Foundation’s Generation Q Network. Nationally, he co-chairs the multidisciplinary medicines research group, PRIMM (Prescribing Research in Medicines Management).
14-Oct-2024Keynote TheatreIndependent prescribing