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The Pharmacy Show is sponsored by the pharmaceutical and med tech industries via Grants, Sponsorship, and Exhibition packages. Pharmaceutical companies have solely provided sponsorship through the purchase of exhibition space and/or sponsored speaker sessions with no further input into the arrangements or agenda of the meeting. Sessions delivered with input from our sponsors will always be marked on the programme. A full list of confirmed sponsors for PS24 is available here.



12-13 OCTOBER 2025

Wasim Baqir

Wasim Baqir

Senior Pharmacist, Pharmacy Integration Fund, NHS England
Dr Wasim Baqir is a senior pharmacist in the Pharmacy Integration Programme at NHS England. Prior to this he led the national medicines optimisation in care homes scheme for NHS England. He currently co-leading the Community Pharmacy Independant Pathfinder Programme as well as working across a number of areas (primary care networks, health inequalities, pharmacy workforce) supporting pharmacy integration across Integrated Care Systems. He has a clinical role as lead pharmacist at Northumbria Healthcare NHS Trust where he previously led on care homes ( He has a passion for quality improvement science and is a member the Health Foundation’s Generation Q Network. Nationally, he co-chairs the multidisciplinary medicines research group, PRIMM (Prescribing Research in Medicines Management).


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